Iced tea or bubble tea – it’s refreshing and delicious
Iced tea is a great choice in the Australian summer to help you keep a large number of guests hydrated. When we set up an iced tea or bubble tea cart, we fill lovely glass beverage dispensers with delicious Australian-made iced tea flavours. Here’s the run down on why it’s one of our go-to drink options:

1. Eye catching
Our large glass beverage dispensers arranged across the top of our carts catches the attention of guests. People love self-serve, they love ice cold drinks, and they love something refreshing to keep them hydrated through events. We arrange the dispensers with cute signage, bowls of fruit and even bunches of lemons straight from our personal lemon tree!
2. Variety of flavours
Our iced tea is made with seasonal Australian fruit on a base of black or green tea. We have a range of different flavours, and can source your preferred flavours or colours to match your brand or styling.
Our fruit bubble tea includes jellies or popping balls in the flavour of your choice.

4. Fast self service
We can easily serve hundreds of guests in only a few hours with our multiple beverage dispensers that become a one-stop drink station. On many occasions we deliver 800+ serves in a short period of time, by letting guests self-serve from our large glass dispensers. Guests can take as much or as little as they need to help reduce any wastage.

5. Cultural appeal
Trying to keep any North Americans or university students hydrated? Iced tea is a huge part of the North American culture, and something which is definitely recognised as a great thirst-quencher amongst our student population. It’s often associated with social gatherings, picnics and outdoor events, making it a perfect choice in our hot Australian summers. And let’s face it, if you’re in Queensland that means iced tea is a drink of choice for about 9 months of the year!